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National resources: Sweden


This page provides a general overview of national resources on research data management (RDM) in Sweden, directed towards researchers and official collaborators. National goals and long term data management achievements are provided in the Research Bill 2020/21-60. The Swedish ELIXIR node National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS) offers support and training in data management to life science researchers in Sweden, in collaboration with the Data Centre at Science for Life Laboratory (SciLifeLab).

Funders with policies

The Swedish Research Council has a government mandate to coordinate and promote Sweden’s work on introducing open access to research data, with the goal for transition to open access to research data to be fully implemented by 2026. As of 2019 all who receive grants from the council must have a data management plan (DMP), written according to their DMP template, which is a partially reworked version of Science Europe’s “Core Requirements for Data Management Plans”.

Formas - The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning - has a policy on open access to research data, and requires that a DMP is written and can be shown upon request.

Authorities and Regulations

If personal data is processed in your research, contact your institute’s Data Protection Officer, and if available, the Research Data Office (see list at end of page), for guidance on ethical and legal compliance. The following is a list of ethical and legal committees, authorities and regulations of interest:



Domain-specific infrastructures and resources

The SciLifeLab Data Centre provides services for IT and data management, including Data Stewardship Wizard instance (for writing data management plans), the Swedish Pathogens Portal, and the SciLifeLab Data Repository.

Data stewards at NBIS (ELIXIR-SE) provide consultation and support services regarding data management questions, including e.g. guidance when writing data management plans and when doing submissions to domain-specific repositories. For information about this and other resources at NBIS please see the Data Management page. An upcoming resource is the FEGA Sweden, a secure data archive and sharing platform for sensitive datasets, which will be integrated with the The European Genome-phenome Archive (EGA).

The National Academic Infrastructure for Super­computing in Sweden (NAISS) is a national research infrastructure that provides resources and user support for large scale computation and data storage to meet the needs of researchers from all scientific disciplines and from all over Sweden. Of particular use for life science researchers is the NAISS-SENS project which provides high-performance computing resources for analyzing sensitive data.

Swedish National Data Service (SND) with its network of almost 40 higher education institutions and public research institutes, provides researchers with a coordinated and quality-assured system for finding, describing, and sharing research data, nationally as well as internationally. The SND network has agreed to create local units for managing research data (Data Access Units (DAUs)), with the main task to assist researchers in their respective organisation in making research data as accessible as possible, via training and support in data management. SND also provides a DMP checklist to support researchers in writing data management plans.

List of universities with established Research Data Offices or Data Access Units (DAUs), with links to local online resources and contact information:

Tools and resources

Tailored to users in Sweden

Developed and/or deployed by institutions and organisations in Sweden.

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Resource Description Related pages Registry

Data Stewardship Wizard is a tool to be used when planning for data management, including generating a data management plan (DMP). This instance provides guidance with focus towards Swedish life science researchers, including national resources.

Data Stewardship Wizard
Data management plan
SciLifeLab Data Repository (Figshare)

A repository for publishing any kind of research-related data, e.g. documents, figures, or presentations.

Existing data Data publication
NBIS Data Management Consultation

Free consultation service regarding data management questions in life science research.

Data management plan Data publication Data sensitivity
Swedish Pathogens Portal

The Swedish Pathogens Portal provides information, guidelines, tools and services to support researchers to utilise Swedish and European infrastructures for data sharing.

COVID-19 Data Portal Human data Data sensitivity Existing data Data publication

The National Academic Infrastructure for Super­computing in Sweden (NAISS) is a national research infrastructure that makes available large-scale high-performance computing resources, storage capacity, and advanced user support, for Swedish research.

Data analysis Data storage
SciLifeLab RDM Guidelines

Knowledge hub for the management of life science research data in Sweden.

Human Data Guidelines

Guidelines as well as further information on legal considerations when working with human biomedical data.

Human data Data sensitivity
Federated EGA Sweden node

Secure archiving and sharing of genetic and phenotypic data resulting from Swedish biomedical research projects.

The European Genome-phenome Archive (EGA)
Human data Data sensitivity Existing data Data publication

More information
