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National resources: Portugal


This page provides an overview of data management resources in Portugal, with a particular focus on the life and health sciences research communities, and research data management resources and services provided by | ELIXIR Portugal.


Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)

The Foundation for Science and Technology (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, FCT) is the national public agency providing support for research for science, innovation, and technology in all domains. It is a public institute of special resposibility under the tutelage and superintendence of the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation. FCT provides their own Data Management Plan template (in Portuguese).

National Infrastructures and Resources

Fundação para a Computação Científica Nacional (FCCN)

The Foundation for National Scientific Computing (Fundação para a Computação Científica Nacional, FCCN) is the Scientific Computing Unit of FCT. FCCN provides high-speed Internet connectivity and IT services to the Portuguese higher education and research system.

National Network for Advanced Computing (RNCA)

The RNCA - National Network for Advanced Computing - is managed by FCCN, with the aim of making advanced computing services available to the research, technology and innovation communities. RCNA’s network of operational centres include the EuroHPC Deucalion supercomputer. It is a member of the Iberian Advanced Computing Network, with also includes the MareNostrum supercomputers in Spain.


POLEN is a project developed by FCCN which aims to address the needs of the scientific and education communities in research data management. It also aims to promote open science, and the sharing and preservation of research data generated within the scope of projects developed with public funding.

Fórum GDI

The Research Data Management Forum (Fórum de Gestão de Dados de Informação) is a space for the debate and sharing of ideas, projects, and best practices in Research Data Management, aiming to join together RDM support professionals in research institutions and science funding organisations.

National Distributed Computing Infrastructure (INCD)

The National Distributed Computing Infrastructure (INCD) provides computing and data services to the national scientific and academic community in all areas of knowledge. The infrastructure is especially oriented to provide scientific computing services, supporting researchers and the participation in national and international projects.

Life and Health Sciences Infrastructures and Resources is the national research infrastructure for life and health data, and the host of ELIXIR Portugal. is a registered nonprofit association of several major Portuguese universities and research institutes acting in the life and health sciences. It is integrated in the National Roadmap of Research Infrastructures of Strategic Interest (RNIE)., through its affiliate institutions, provides a wide array of RDM tools, databases, and training programmes tailored towards the Life and Health Sciences communities, which are aggregated in its Services page.

Institutional policies on research data in Portugal

Some institutions implemented their own data managemend policies. Here’s a few examples from the Life and Health Sciences:

Finding more

Portugal has a large number of Research Data Management and Open Data initiatives at the national, local, and institutional level. Initiatives such as INDEXAR and aggregate existing resources to facilitate locating the right one for the user’s needs.

Tools and resources

Tailored to users in Portugal

Developed and/or deployed by institutions and organisations in Portugal.

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Resource Description Related pages Registry Data Management Portal (DMPortal)

This instance of Dataverse is provided by the We can help you write and maintain data management plans for your research.

Researcher Data Steward Data storage Tool info Standards/Databases Data Stewardship Wizard

This tool guides users through generating Data Management Plans.

Data Stewardship Wizard
Researcher Data Steward Data management plan Tool info
Ready for BioData Management?

Capacity building program in data management for the life sciences to empower researchers and institutions in managing their data more effectively and efficiently.

Researcher Data management plan Project data managemen...

An electronic lab notebook (ELN) for training programmes (data wiped periodically).

Researcher Data Steward Principal Investigator... Documentation and meta... Data quality Project data managemen... Data provenance Machine actionability

National directory of repositories and digital scientific journals, in the fields of science and culture.

Researcher Data Steward Data publication Existing data

Open data portal of the Portuguese Public Administration.

Researcher Data Steward Data publication Existing data

More information
