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National resources: Finland


This is an overview of research data management resources in Finland. These resources are accessible for researchers in Finland and to their collaborators.

CSC – IT Center for Science provides comprehensive scientific computing, data management and analysis services and solutions for research in Finland. CSC operates the ELIXIR Finland node and offers medical and bioinformatic research tools developed in Finland and Europe. An overview of data management services provided by ELIXIR Finland and CSC can be found on the ELIXIR Finland website and CSC’s Services for Research website.

Regulations and policies on research data

Every research data involves the questions of rights, legal and ethical issues. Contact you own organisation’s data management support services for guidance on ethical and legal compliance and data protection and ownership.

If personal data are processed in your research, Data Protection Act will apply to it. Data Protection Ombudsman is a national supervisory authority which supervises the compliance with data protection legislation.

Ethical review is needed in defined research configurations. See more at Finnish National Board of Research Integrity.

National policies

Policies of open science and research in Finland outline in detail the strategic principles, objectives and action plans necessary to achieve the objectives set out in the Declaration for Open Science and Research. The policies cover four areas: culture for open scholarship, open access to scholarly publications, open access of research data and methods, and open education and open access to educational resources.

Funder policies

Funders have their individual data policies and mandatory guidelines with regard to research data management. The general expectation is that publicly funded research data are a public good, and should be made openly available with as few restrictions as possible. Check your funder’s website for current information and guidance. See e.g. Research Council of Finland policies on open science.

Institutional policies

Universities and other research organisations and data service providers have data policies describing the principles and policies that are related to the management of research data (e.g CSC Data Policy). In addition, data policies make clear the responsibilities of the organisation and its researchers for managing research data well. Remember to check your organisation’s current information and guidance.

Domain-specific resources

Finland has a long tradition of collecting and analysing biobank samples and the associated clinical data. Read more about domain specific resources from ELIXIR-FI webpages.

National social and health data resources can be searched in Aineistokatalogi, a catalogue developed in cooperation between The Finnish institute for health and welfare (THL), Statistics Finland, the Data Archives and Sitra.

Tools and resources

Tailored to users in Finland

Developed and/or deployed by institutions and organisations in Finland.

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Chipster is a user-friendly analysis software for high-throughput data such as RNA-seq and single cell RNA-seq. It contains analysis tools and a large reference genome collection.

CSC Researcher Research Software Engi... Data analysis

Data management planning tool (Finland).

CSC Researcher Data Steward Data management plan

With the Fairdata Services you can store, share and publish your research data with easy-to-use web tools.

CSC Researcher Data Steward Data storage Data publication Existing data
Federated EGA Finland

FEGA allows you to store and share sensitive data in Finland in a way that fulfils all the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The European Genome-phenome Archive (EGA)
CSC Researcher Data Steward Data sensitivity Data publication Existing data Human data

The Health and Social Data Permit Authority. Findata offers services and enables secure and efficient utilisation of data materials containing health and social data.

CSC Researcher Data Steward Data sensitivity Existing data Human data

Finnish Biobank Cooperative (FINBB) connects researchers to Finnish biomedical research. Via Fingenious® services the researcher can connect to all Finnish public bio banks.

CSC Researcher Data Steward Data sensitivity Human data
Sensitive Data Services for Research

CSC Sensitive Data Services for Research are designed to support secure sensitive data management through web-user interfaces accessible from the user’s own computer.

CSC Researcher Data Steward Data sensitivity Data analysis Data storage Data publication Human data
High performance computing

CSC Supercomputers Puhti, Mahti and LUMI performance ranges from medium scale simulations to one of the most competitive supercomputers in the world.

CSC Researcher Data Steward Data analysis
Cloud computing

CSC offers a variety of cloud computing services: the Pouta IaaS services and the Rahti container cloud service.

CSC Researcher Data Steward Data analysis