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(Meta)Data storage during the project

1. Where will the data be stored during the project?

Asked by

[FWO, ERC, H2020, BELSPO, HorizonEurope]


Check the storage services available in your Institute or department with the IT Team or on the website.

List data storage system for every type of data: big or small digital file; files generated with external or internal collaborators; files containg personal or not-personal data.

Example answers

  • On [platform type], hosted [by].
  • Small digital file containing confidential data will be stored on secure network drive [X], hosted and maintained by university ICT department.
  • Big digital file [>XXX GB], on external cloud platform [X], contracted by our research department.
  • On Sharepoint of our collaborator at [X] institute.

Mapping among funders’ DMP templates

Funder DMP section DMP question
FWO Data storage and backup during the project Where will the data be stored?
BELSPO Data storage and backup during the project Where will the data be stored?
ERC Allocation of resources and data security Procedure for data backup and recovery
H2020 Data security Address data recovery as well as secure storage and transfer of sensitive data
HorizonEurope Allocation of resources What will the costs be for making data or other research outputs FAIR in your project (e.g. direct and indirect costs related to storage, archiving, re-use, security, etc.)?
ScienceEurope 3a. How will data and metadata be stored and backed up during the research? Describe where the data will be stored and backed up during research activities and how often the backup will be performed. It is recommended to store data in least at two separate locations.

2. What is the backup strategy?

Asked by

[FWO, ERC, H2020, BELSPO, HorizonEurope]


Check the website or ask the IT Team of your department or Institute for information about the data backup system.

Example answers

  • On the shares, ‘snapshots’ of the data are made every [X] hours. Snapshots allow you to retrieve (older versions of) files.

Mapping among funders’ DMP templates

Funder DMP section DMP question
FWO Data storage and backup during the project How will the data be backed up?
BELSPO Data storage and backup during the project How will the data be backed up?
ERC Allocation of resources and data security Procedure for data backup and recovery
H2020 Data security Address data recovery as well as secure storage and transfer of sensitive data
HorizonEurope Allocation of resources What will the costs be for making data or other research outputs FAIR in your project (e.g. direct and indirect costs related to storage, archiving, re-use, security, etc.)?
ScienceEurope 3a. How will data and metadata be stored and backed up during the research? Describe where the data will be stored and backed up during research activities and how often the backup will be performed. It is recommended to store data in least at two separate locations. Give preference to the use of robust, managed storage with automatic backup, such as provided by IT support services of the home institution. Storing data on laptops, stand-alone hard drives, or external storage devices such as USB sticks is not recommended.

3. Is there currently sufficient storage & backup capacity during the project? If yes, specify concisely. If no or insufficient storage or backup capacities are available, then explain how this will be taken care of.

Asked by



Check the website or ask the IT Team of your department or Institute for information about storage and backup capacity available for your project.

Briefly explain how storage and backup for the data will be guaranteed.

Example answers:

  • Storage is allocated in a project based manner (according to estimated volumes of data generation and analysis); sufficient storage capacity will be ensured for the project at [Institute Name].

Mapping among funders’ DMP templates

Funder DMP section DMP question
FWO Data storage and backup during the project Is there currently sufficient storage & backup capacity during the project? If yes, specify concisely. If no or insufficient storage or backup capacities are available, then explain how this will be taken care of.
BELSPO Data storage and backup during the project Is there currently sufficient storage & backup capacity during the project? If yes, specify concisely. If no or insufficient storage or backup capacities are available, then explain how this will be taken care of.
ERC na na
H2020 na na
HorizonEurope na na
ScienceEurope na na

4. What are the expected costs for data storage and backup during the project?

Asked by

[FWO, ERC, H2020, BELSPO, HorizonEurope]


Specify the costs charged to your research team.

Multiply the cost in €/TB/Year, by the number of years and the volume of data which you are going to generate (as specified in the section about data volume).

Example answers

  • 4 years storage and backup for this project will cost about 2000€.

Mapping among funders’ DMP templates

Funder DMP section DMP question
FWO Data storage and backup during the project What are the expected costs for data storage and backup during the project?
BELSPO Data storage and backup during the project What are the expected costs for data storage and backup during the project?
ERC Allocation of resources and data security Procedure for data backup and recovery
H2020 Data security Address data recovery as well as secure storage and transfer of sensitive data
HorizonEurope Allocation of resources What will the costs be for making data or other research outputs FAIR in your project (e.g. direct and indirect costs related to storage, archiving, re-use, security, etc.)?
ScienceEurope 6b. What resources (for example financial and time) will be dedicated to data management and ensuring that data will be FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Re-usable)? Explain how the necessary resources (for example time) to prepare the data for sharing/preservation (data curation) have been costed in. Carefully consider and justify any resources needed to deliver the data. These may include storage costs, hardware, staff time, costs of preparing data for deposit, and repository charges.

5. How will these costs (for data storage and backup during the project) be covered?

Asked by

[FWO, ERC, H2020, BELSPO, HorizonEurope]


Check possible funding for covering data storage costs.

Example answers

  • Costs for data storage and backup during the project will be covered by [X] funding.

Mapping among funders’ DMP templates

Funder DMP section DMP question
FWO Data storage and backup during the project How will these costs be covered?
BELSPO Data storage and backup during the project How will these costs be covered?
ERC Allocation of resources and data security Procedure for data backup and recovery
H2020 Data security Address data recovery as well as secure storage and transfer of sensitive data
HorizonEurope Allocation of resources How will these be covered? Note that costs related to research data/output management are eligible as part of the Horizon Europe grant (if compliant with the Grant Agreement conditions)
ScienceEurope 6b. What resources (for example financial and time) will be dedicated to data management and ensuring that data will be FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Re-usable)? Explain how the necessary resources (for example time) to prepare the data for sharing/preservation (data curation) have been costed in. Carefully consider and justify any resources needed to deliver the data. These may include storage costs, hardware, staff time, costs of preparing data for deposit, and repository charges.

6. Data security: how will you ensure that the data are securely stored (not accessed or modified by unauthorised persons), especially for sensitive data.

Asked by

[FWO, ERC, H2020, BELSPO, HorizonEurope]


Check the website or ask the IT Team in your department or Institution for information about the data security system.

For personal/sensitive data, specify how the system complies to legal requirements and refer to the GDPR section.

Example answers

  • My laptop will be password-protected. The internal external hard drive (for backups) will be encrypted using [Encryption system name] (as suggested by IT). Files holding personal data will also be encrypted with password-protection. Read-only permissions will be implemented for raw data files on the Network Shared Drive so that they cannot be edited. Files containing personal data will be stored in access-controlled folders on the university network drive to protect privacy.
  • Data will be handled in accordance with university information security guidelines, involving measures proportionate to their nature and the risks involved. Lab computers and external drives will be password-protected, and the rooms in which they are kept will be locked when no lab members are present. Security upgrades to operating systems will be regularly performed. Read-only permissions will be implemented for raw data files so that they cannot be edited.

Mapping among funders’ DMP templates

Funder DMP section DMP question
FWO Data storage and backup during the project Data security: how will you ensure that the data are securely stored (not accessed or modified by unauthorized persons), especially for senstive data.
BELSPO Data storage and backup during the project Data security: how will you ensure that the data are securely stored and not accessed or modified by unauthorized persons?
ERC Allocation of resources and data security Procedure for data backup and recovery
H2020 Data security Address data recovery as well as secure storage and transfer of sensitive data
HorizonEurope Data security What provisions are or will be in place for data security (including data recovery as well as secure storage/archiving and transfer of sensitive data)?
ScienceEurope 3b. How will data security and protection of sensitive data be taken care of during the research? • Explain how the data will be recovered in the event of an incident. • Explain who will have access to the data during the research and how access to data is controlled, especially in collaborative partnerships. • Consider data protection, particularly if your data is sensitive for example containing personal data, politically sensitive information, or trade secrets. Describe the main risks and how these will be managed. • Explain which institutional data protection policies are in place.