Development build for bedroesb/rdmkit@7a4b316 (branch: master)
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We are, since the beginning, actively spreading the word about RDMkit making sure it reaches a wider audience across the globe. On this page, we keep track of where RDMkit has been presented so far and the relevant links.


RDMkit poster at ELIXIR All Hands 2023


From launch to maturity: growing and sustaining the RDMkit. The poster can be found on F1000Research

RDM Knowledge Source (RDMkit) - Data Stewardship Interest Group (DSIG) meeting


RDMkit was introduced to the DSIG at one of their monthly meetings, together with introduction on IDTkit and FAIRCookBook. Presentation slides on RDMkit (PDF).

ELIXIR FAIR & Research Data Management know-how ecosystem - All hands 2022


RDMkit was presented at all hands. The presentation can be found on F1000Research.

Q-EBRA WORKSHOP: Your next grant application - methodological approach


The event involved different activities on how to write a grant application and DMP generation, including a talk about RDMkit and an eLearning session on how to use the Data Stewardship Wizard. More information about the event.

How RDMkit works and the theme behind it - Infectious diseases toolkit introduction


RDMkit on the NIH Data Sharing and Reuse Seminar 2022


European Biomedical Research Infrastructures’ resources for Researchers in Neurosciences meeting: RDMkit and DSW talk


NEURON organized an open virtual meeting “European Biomedical Research Infrastructures’ resources for Researchers in Neurosciences”. The 2-day-webinar addressed the different resources that several European Biomedical Research Infrastructures, such as ELIXIR, EBRAINS and INFRAFRONTIER, can offer to the researchers in Neurosciences, including the RDMkit and DSW. The webinar was held on February 1st & 3rd, 2022.

RDMkit: A data management toolkit for life scientists


RDMkit was presented at the “FAIR Hackathon” by EOSC Life.

RDMkit nominated for NFDI4Ing Community Award


RDMkit was nominated for the NFDI4Ing Community Award beside other tools at the German NFDI4Ing conference. TALKS: RDM Toolkit

2021-09-20 talks comprise a series of monthly webinars given by collaborators and guest experts. The webinar on 2nd November 2021 aims to provide an introduction on the use and features of RDMkit. More information about the event.

Open Science FAIR 2021


3rd Open Science FAIR Conference, an international event for all topics related to Open Science OS Fair 2021 aims to bring together and empower open science communities and services; to identify common practices related to open science; to see what are the best synergies to deliver and operate services that work for many; and to bring experiences from all around the world and learn from each other.

RDMkit ELIXIR All Hands DM-Symposium 2021



ELIXIR Webinar: Research Data Management Kit (RDMKit)

Promotion video for RDMkit users

Promotion video for RDMkit contributors